


"Artspiration offers structured lessons designed to take your child on an artistic journey from an early age of 5 years  Our lessons and groups are age specific and are designed to achieve specific objectives individually and collectively provide a holistic approach to Drawing and Painting.We cannot stress enough on the value of the process of learning rather than aiming at making a finished and beautiful work solely. Problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, all form an integral part of this process.

Hemmed into our curriculum are Art History, Contemporary Art, Understanding of the Elements of Art, Exploration of various Visual Art forms, Styles, Techniques and Methods and the know how's to use a range of art materials effectively. We believe that right from an early age kids should be introduced to a variety of Art materials as more the tools more the possibilities and this would help your child Explore, Expand and Express well. 

The well measured servings of inspiration, instruction and exploration opportunities that the children receive soon start guiding the children in their own self discovered paths. Our lessons are not limited to be an end in themselves, they are designed to extend beyond the classroom and open up inventiveness that keeps in stilling self learning in the long run."




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